Procurement & Purchasing

Prosper is a fast-growing community in North Texas, with opportunities available for vendors looking to expand into our region. We strive to provide fair and open competition among potential vendors. The purpose is to procure quality goods and services that provide the best value for the residents, and to conduct all business in a professional and ethical manner that preserves public confidence.
We hope that the information provided will be a valuable resource to the vendor community. The information below is intended to provide a basic overview of the Town of Prosper's procurement processes and does not address all applicable laws governing public procurement. If you have a specific question that is not addressed in this section, please do not hesitate to contact the Purchasing Division for further assistance.
The Purchasing Division provides internal support to all Town departments and ensures that procurement for goods and services is conducted within all legal constraints. The Purchasing Division also establishes vendor relationships in order to support town operations and meets with vendors as time permits. Please call (972) 569-1028 to schedule an appointment. The Purchasing Division also encourages prospective vendors to schedule appointments directly with the departments that may benefit from the goods or services offered.
Regular business hours for the Purchasing Division are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Procurements less than $3,000 — Departments have the authority to procure goods and services based on a single quote.
Procurements over $3,000 and less than $50,000 — Written quotes and compliance with State of Texas Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) law is required, unless the procurement is otherwise exempted as defined in Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code. For procurements that fall within this dollar threshold, the end-users have the option to either obtain quotes on their own, or request that Purchasing solicits quotes through Ion Wave. The Purchasing Division has the sole authority to issue a purchase order on behalf of the Town for the procurement of goods or services within this dollar threshold. If a written contract is required, Town Council approval is required for amounts in excess of $25,000.
Procurements in excess of $50,000 — Unless otherwise exempted from competitive bid laws as defined in Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code, the Town will conduct a formal procurement process in order to obtain goods or services in excess of $50,000. Formal procurement processes are solicited through IonWave. The Purchasing Division has the sole authority to issue a purchase order on behalf of the Town for the procurement of goods or services in excess of $50,000. Town Council approval is required for all procurements in excess of $50,000.
The Town of Prosper utilizes the following methods to procure goods and services:
The Town of Prosper will award all competitive sealed bids and requests for quotes to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder unless the bid is clearly identified as a “Best Value Bid.” The “best value” method is utilized for the basis of award for selected bids and quotes and all proposals. In these instances, the selection criteria will be clearly identified in the solicitation document. The best value method may take into consideration, in whole or in part:
The Town of Prosper also has the authority to purchase from existing contracts established through the Texas SmartBuy Membership Program, as well as existing contracts established through various cooperative purchasing venues.
Legislation that governs municipal procurement can be found in Chapters 252 and 271 of the Texas Local Government Code, and Chapter 2254 of the Texas Government Code.
The Town of Prosper utilizes the Ion Wave e-procurement system to advertise procurement opportunities, to receive electronic submissions, and to maintain a vendor database.
Ion Wave distributes automatic notifications to vendors who are registered with Ion Wave. Notifications of procurement opportunities are based on commodity codes selected by each individual vendor at the time of registration. Additional benefits to vendors include:
The Town of Prosper has elected to fund an annual fee to Ion Wave, in order to eliminate all costs for vendors to utilize the system for standard procurements. The Town encourages potential vendors to take advantage of this no-cost alternative. Please visit the Bid Opportunities web page for further information and instructions on how to register as a vendor.
In order to expedite payments, invoices should be submitted to the attention of Accounts Payable, P.O. Box 307, Prosper, Texas 75078, or via email to ap@prospertx.gov. Failure to do so may cause a delay in payment.
The Town of Prosper complies with the Prompt Payment Act, Section 2251.025 of the Texas Government Code. The Prompt Payment Act ensures that companies transacting business with government agencies are paid in a timely manner. With certain exceptions, the act requires that the government agency make payment within 30 days of submission of a properly prepared invoice by a vendor. For amounts not paid within thirty days of receipt of the invoice, the Town is obligated to pay interest at the current rate of 12 percent per annum.
The Town is offering ACH payments to all Town vendors. If interested, please complete and submit an ACH Authorization Form. The form can be requested in writing via email or by contacting the Purchasing Division at (972) 569-1028.
The Town of Prosper Finance Department issues payments to vendors weekly. Checks are mailed on Friday. Questions in regards to payments should be directed to the Accounts Payable Specialist at (972) 569-1017.
The Town of Prosper is exempt from paying federal excise and transportation taxes and Texas State or local sales and use taxes. If a vendor includes any such taxes on price quotes or invoices, the amount of the taxes will be deducted from the total of the price quote or invoice.
A Tax Exempt Form will be provided by the Town of Prosper upon request. A request can be submitted in writing via email or by contacting the Purchasing Division at (972) 569-1028.
A "Historically Underutilized Business" is an entity with its principal place of business in Texas and is at least 51 percent owned by an Asian Pacific American, Black American, Hispanic American, Native American, and/or American woman who reside in Texas and have a proportionate interest and demonstrate active participation in the control, operations, and management of the entity's affairs.
In accordance with Texas Administrative Code §111.13, each state agency shall make a good faith effort to utilize HUBs in contracts for construction, services (including professional and consulting services), and commodities purchases.
The Statewide HUB Program provides HUB certification for minority and women-owned businesses in the State of Texas. Vendors seeking certification as a HUB are required to submit a completed HUB certification application and supporting documentation, affirming under penalty of perjury that their business qualifies as a HUB.
For further information on the HUB Program, please contact the State of Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts at (512) 463-5872 or toll-free (888) 863-5881. Additional information is also available on the State website.
Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code requires that any vendor or person considering doing business with a local government entity who has a conflict of interest with the entity, disclose such conflict in the Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (CIQ). By law, this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the Town of Prosper no later than the seventh business day after one of the qualifying events as described in Section 176.006. Please refer to Section 176.006 of the Texas Local Government Code for further information. A person commits a misdemeanor offense if they violate this section.